PANDI, Bulacan - Hiromitsu Restaurant welcomes “ber” months with two more branches to
open this month. Hiromitsu Malolos City and Hiromitsu Balagtas are set to open this coming
September 8 and 14, respectively.
Hiromitsu Malolos City sets a high standard for being the branch in the capital of Bulacan.
Known for diverse array of food businesses in the city, Hiromitsu Malolos City will showcase its well-loved Hiromitsu Japanese food menus such as ramen, sushi, rice bowl dishes, salads, and more.
Located along McArthur Highway, Uno Fuel, Dakila, Malolos City near STI College beside
Landbank’s new office. Hiromitsu Malolos City will open on September 8, 2022. For orders and reservations call at 0927-707-2883. Follow them for more updates and deals at
Another branch will land in the “Town of Poets” - Balagtas, Bulacan. Located at 036 Burol 2nd, Balagtas, Bulacan near NLEx bridge. Hiromitsu Balagtas offers great deals with bestselling Hiromitsu platters such as ribs, shrimp tempura, sushi, and baked maki aside from the regular Hiromitsu dishes.
Hiromitsu Balagtas will open on September 14. For orders and reservations call at 0916-504-
4257 and follow their Facebook page for more updates, https://www.facebook.com/hiromitsubalagtas/.
For franchising inquiries and concerns, contact us at 0916-496-2752 or e-mail us at
hiromitsurestaurant@gmail.com. You may visit us at our main branch, Pandi branch at #241
Bunsuran 1st, Pandi, Bulacan. For more updates and deals, check our official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HiromitsuRestaurantPandi/ and www.hiromitsu.ph our website.
See you there!